News in Detail

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News in Detail


1. Identification. Fill in the blanks with the proper position or title of each person.
(1) Nina Totenberg:
(2) Burger:
(3) William Rehnquist:
(4) Sandra Day O'Connor:
(5) Antonin Scalia:
in the
(6) Seebans:

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information according to what you have heard.
    Alexis de Tocqueville once wrote that, in the United States, almost
. While last term was an unusual
of a year, this term is

3. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The Supreme Court appeared to be quite strange to Nina Totenberg when it opened its new term because ___________.

a. Justice Dandra Day O'Connor was sitting over her shoulders now b. Justice Rehnquist was nervous at the opening of the new term c. a new Justice Antonin Scalia, appeared in the junior Justice's seat d. today's session was chaired by the new Chief Justice William Rehnquist
(2) The new Justice Antonin Scalia began to ask his first question ___________. a. earlier at the beginning of the session b. after he waited about ten minutes c. immediately following Justice O'Connor d. after all the senior justices had finished questioning
(3) According to Nina Totenberg's observation, the Justices seemed ____________. a. to be ready to fight over any issues in the upcoming term b. to be surprised at the nervousness of the Chief Justice c. to be unaware of the dramatic changes in the Court d. to be happy at the new arrangement of the Court
(4) The first issue that the Court will hear is about ____________. a. a sex discrimination case b. capital punishment c. the separation of Church and State d. religious education in public schools
(5) The sex discrimination case involves ____________. a. a challenge to a California law concerning pregnancy b. a woman teacher who was fired after the doctor had diagnosed her illness as AIDS c. a California bank's violation of a federal law which requires all employers to provide up to four months disability leave for pregnant women d. the argument that man should be given the similar kind of disability leave when he is sick
(6) A Louisiana law requires ____________. a. people with a communicable disease not to be deprived of employment because of their disease b. the theories of evolution and of creationism to be taught at the same time in schools c. no discrimination to be exercised against the handicapped in employment d. no religious or political literature to be distributed at public forums such as airport terminals
(7) Louisiana's governor appealed to the Supreme Court because ___________. a. the Quasi-independent state school board challenged the Louisiana law b. he insisted that a person with a communicable disease be denied of job c. a federal court vetoed the state law d. he personally favored the right to distribute literature inside government run airport terminals
(8) Los Angeles intended to ban the distribution of religious and political literature at public gathering places, but it was challenged by ___________. a. the Department of Transportation b. a church minister c. the Supreme Court d. religious and political groups
Listening answers

News in Detail


1. Identification. Fill in the blanks with the proper position or title of each person.
(1) Nina Totenberg:
(2) Burger:
(3) William Rehnquist:
(4) Sandra Day O'Connor:
(5) Antonin Scalia:
in the
(6) Seebans:

2. Focusing on Details. Fill in the detailed information according to what you have heard.
    Alexis de Tocqueville once wrote that, in the United States, almost
. While last term was an unusual
of a year, this term is

3. Choose the best answer (a, b, c, or d) to complete each of the following statements.
(1) The Supreme Court appeared to be quite strange to Nina Totenberg when it opened its new term because ___________.

a. Justice Dandra Day O'Connor was sitting over her shoulders now b. Justice Rehnquist was nervous at the opening of the new term c. a new Justice Antonin Scalia, appeared in the junior Justice's seat d. today's session was chaired by the new Chief Justice William Rehnquist
(2) The new Justice Antonin Scalia began to ask his first question ___________. a. earlier at the beginning of the session b. after he waited about ten minutes c. immediately following Justice O'Connor d. after all the senior justices had finished questioning
(3) According to Nina Totenberg's observation, the Justices seemed ____________. a. to be ready to fight over any issues in the upcoming term b. to be surprised at the nervousness of the Chief Justice c. to be unaware of the dramatic changes in the Court d. to be happy at the new arrangement of the Court
(4) The first issue that the Court will hear is about ____________. a. a sex discrimination case b. capital punishment c. the separation of Church and State d. religious education in public schools
(5) The sex discrimination case involves ____________. a. a challenge to a California law concerning pregnancy b. a woman teacher who was fired after the doctor had diagnosed her illness as AIDS c. a California bank's violation of a federal law which requires all employers to provide up to four months disability leave for pregnant women d. the argument that man should be given the similar kind of disability leave when he is sick
(6) A Louisiana law requires ____________. a. people with a communicable disease not to be deprived of employment because of their disease b. the theories of evolution and of creationism to be taught at the same time in schools c. no discrimination to be exercised against the handicapped in employment d. no religious or political literature to be distributed at public forums such as airport terminals
(7) Louisiana's governor appealed to the Supreme Court because ___________. a. the Quasi-independent state school board challenged the Louisiana law b. he insisted that a person with a communicable disease be denied of job c. a federal court vetoed the state law d. he personally favored the right to distribute literature inside government run airport terminals
(8) Los Angeles intended to ban the distribution of religious and political literature at public gathering places, but it was challenged by ___________. a. the Department of Transportation b. a church minister c. the Supreme Court d. religious and political groups