The numbers in the report represent values.
The e-grader will compare the values from your essays to Average Values, and see the difference:
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Chars per words: 5.04835589942 5.12650576532 98% => OK
Attributes: Chars per words
Values: 5.04835589942 (Chars per words from your essay)
AverageValues: 5.12650576532 (Average Values from all users, we call it AverageValues or ideal values)
Percentages(Values/AverageValues)%: 98% (compare values from your essays to average values)
Comments: OK (if the Percentages are not too high or too low, then OK)
The e-grader will give warning messages if the Percentages are not too high or too low:
smog_index: 3.1 7.1628742515 43% => Smog_index is low.
if the warning messages come again in your other essays, it means it is an issue which needs your attentions.
The e-grader will give a score according to the overall values.
We double checked your essays
We double checked your essays with same essay topic, but with different scores.
for those two essays:……
you put the essay topic inside the essay body of one of the essays, so the score will be different.
for those two essays:……
you changes few words in one of the essays, so the score got different.
I submitted the same essay twice and I got different scores in each time, with e-grader. How can it be possible?
Thank you,