The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones

The author, in the given prompt, asserts that the best way to one is to commend one's good actions while ignoring their faults. I personally agree with the author’s former, while disagreeing with the latter part of his or her assertion. In the next three paragraphs, I will explain the reasons for standing in such a dual position.

First, it is certain that expressing commendation is, of course, a good way to teach and support one who is doing well. Praising one’s good actions motives him or her to do another good. For instance, If a student helps his friend in doing homework, or a random people help, say, a blind to cross the street and gets admiration and support for their benevolent work, that student or that random pedestrian will be motivated to do more of good works in the future. If they do not get the appreciation they deserve, they might lose their interest in furthering their good works. In this sense, I do agree with the author that appreciation is a way of teaching.

However, ignoring one’s faults cannot be a way to teach him or her. Consider a child, he or she has little idea of what is good, what is bad. If his parents or guardians do not correct their child’s bad actions, he or she will never know that his or her actions do not appear to be good, or he or she should try to avoid those works to be a better person. Ignoring bad actions, while appreciating goods, is just half part of the job.

Moreover, there are more extreme cases where ignoring one’s faults or bad actions is a suicidal action. In fact, sometimes even criticizing one’s actions is needed. For instance, suppose a manager or a worker at a certain organization does a terrible thing that causes the organization to face loss at the end of the year. So, can ignoring his or her faults be a way to teach him or her now? I certainly do not think so. In such a case it more effective, for the organization or for the society as a whole, to teach him or her by correcting his or her faults, and even maybe by admonishing him or her to an extent so that he or she works carefully in the future.

In sum, though appreciation as a response of a good action is a is somewhat compulsory in teaching and furthering good works, a certain level of criticism and correction against a bad action is also needed for the betterment of an individual, and of, broadly, the nation, while ignoring negative or bad actions will result in no good.

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