GRE Issue Claim The surest indicator of a great nation must be the achievements of its rulers artists or scientists Reason Great achievements by a nation s rulers artists or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of that nation s people

Great nations are not created overnight, and are not the creation of a single individual. It is a contentious effort by many and all to have a stable, prosperous and developing nation. While each side has its advantages in the promotion of a great nation, I believe that the general well-being of soceities is what makes these nations prodigious. Nevertheless, we need good rulers to create a fundamental political agenda as well as our sceintists and artistis to promote education and culture.

To begin with, the presence of economic stability and growth in a nation is crucial for its scoeity. It creates a sense of well-being, a sense of security and a psychological stability to the individual and the familty. It promotes positive attitudes and a drive for success, as well as an assiduous trend. For instance, a nation whose drive is its people and as such focuses on its economic growth and the provision of jobs to one and all; is more likely to have a stable and happy soceity than a nation whose drive is some fanatic war success over another nation… The importance given to the well-being of an individual is crucial in such soceities and as such will promote positive attitutes. As a counter example, Lebanon is currently going through its worst economic crisis due to lack of mangement and the rulers’ misconduct of its resourses. A nation whose rulers failed its people and as such the well being of its people were eradicated and now the nation is going to oblivion.

Moreover, the social stability that the people benefit from in a well established nation is a reflection of their well-being. A soceity that respects its elderly, provides good helathcare, education and benefits for retirement will instigate a drive for the younger generation to work harder to achieve these benefits at a later stage. For instance, France provides a good retirement plan with an excellent healthcare and one of the best public education systems in the world. A country that cares for its citizens, a real counterpart for a lot of the countries here in the middle east and unfortunately my latest example, Lebanon. It was once a leader in education but with the mismanegemnt of its leaders, many sectors are sinking and the whole nation as well. This proves once more that if the soceity is not in a good state the nation is not benign.

However, I did state that the rulers as well as the artists and scientists are important. They are not the crucial element in the dogma, yet they do play a role in the creation of soceities. We need ethical, strategical, and good political rulers to implement the rules and make these plans effective. For instance, in the United States, president Trump, has lead the nation with his ambivalent decisions to its worst epidemic crisis ever; whereas a shrewd leader like the prime minister of New Zealand, Arden has been doing miracles in the past few years.

Finally, as a Lebanese who has suffered due to bad leadership and mismanagement, I believe that the well-being of soceities should be the most important and crucial drive for the reflection of true and great nations. As Eisenhower said: “ A people that values its privileges over its principles soon loses both!:

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