Society should identify those children who have special talents and provide training for them at an early age to develop their talents Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your

People are born with different innate talents. That is why those who get to discover and hone their own talents at early ages would go further in the competitive job markets during their adulthood. In fact, figuring out which area one has been gifted with usually requires intractable amount of work along with some luck. Thus, some people have argued that the society has to get involved to sysematically support those with special talents. However, the society ideally should support all the children rather than some selected ones, for everyone has disparate unique and as integral talents.

To begin with, as widely known, everyone has differing talents. Ranging from artistic skills to programming, children carries their own inerent unique characteristics as well as skills suited for various tasks. Obviously, some talents appear more saliently and obviously than the others; nevertheless, selecting, training, and thus favoring only those with obvious talents, such as artistic abilities, would disregard those with programming skills unfairly. The society should stay responsbile for fostering them to grow in the environment where fairness and equality are promoted and guaranteed, giving them equal chances to build their own futures. Therefore, the society should offer benefits to the all kids at the young age, regardless of the difficulty of finding their special talents. The society should help them find theirs if not easy and allocate resources for their personal growths. This would not only benefit the children but also the society as well by engendering a collection of eclectic skills that would contribute to the societal improvements in their own ways. In this sense, since all children are gifted in other areas, the society should assist them unreservedly.

On top of that, all talents are tantamountly crucial for the society. Bringing the artistic and programming abilities from the paragraph above, both skills are equally valuable. Some might argue that programming skills amidst the technological society should be more cherished. However it is undubitable that both talents equally shape different aspects of society whether they align with the modern trend and technology. If the government pours more attention on the opportune talents but less on the "anachronic talents," such as artistic abilities, the society gravely lack creative imaginations as well as artistic designs that exist as a big, ineluctable portion of one's everyday life. Furthermore, it should be noted that society is a collection of people; thus favoring one kind over the other completely contradicts its own value and would push everyone a step backward from the societal improvement. In fact, improvmenet emerges not from one dominant voice but rather from intimate inter-relations between various minds and perspectives. Clearly, all talents carry enough merits to deserve societal attention and support.

To wrap it up, both soft and hard talents are integral for the overall improvements of the society. Because all children are gifted with equally important talents, the society should invest their resources for not a selected few but everyone. In the end, it is the society that would receive the unsurpassing benefits, as it would flourish with uncountablely many dynamic talents.

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