It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents for instance for sport or music and others are not However It is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician Discuss both these views and

Genius is always a controversial discussion. Some experts claim that ingenuity and talents are something in human nature. Numerous others suggest that everything can be taught to the children and make them talented people in various areas such as sports or music. Personally, I that both of these items are crucial, and the combination of talent and good education can make a spectacular genius.
On the one hand, some people opine that nobody can learn talents and some born with special gifts. For instance, if someone wants to be a basketball player, he/she should be tall. Sports coaches can teach technics to all students, but only a tall man/woman can be a basketball star. Although the basis of the viewpoint is correct, the role of the teaching is ignored. There are lots of tall people in the world who are not professional basketball players. Maybe they have the initial condition for being a player, but they are not taught appropriately; thus, they could not use their potentials.
On the other hand, large groups of people insist on the teaching role. They believe that if someone taught well, he/she would be successful. However, the teachers play a vital role in developing everyone's potential, but the hardworking and a little talent should not be ignored. For instance, if someone has the best math teachers, but he/she does not practice or does not like math, he/ she never becomes an expert despite his/her best tutors.
In conclusion, some people think that talent is in our blood and others outline that talent is an illusion and everybody can be successful in all fields. I believe that the best idea about genius is the mix of these viewpoints. Every field needs unique qualities which can not gain, and it is in our nature, but we all require professional tutors to teach us how to use this talent.

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