Some people believe that studying at university or college is the best route to a successful career while others believe that it is to a job straight after school Discuss both views and give your opinion

Many argue that pursuing higher study opens up many doors for a job placement than those who do not have a degree. However, others think that instead of enrolling in to a college its better to start working after completion of primary education. In my opinion, even though experienced people have an advantage over fresher, but without a university degree one cannot expect to find a growth in a company.

Nowadays, university degree are highly valued. This is especially important for those who have skilled profession such as doctors, scientist, lawyers and teachers. For example, a hospital will not accept any student with primary education to operate or even assist an operation. So, if we consider such skillful jobs a college degree is mandatory. Degree holders often have advantages for getting selected by the recruiters, as they have enough knowledge in their field than a non degree holder.

On the other side, people who try to get a job right after their primary education has a bascic job work. Such jobs are usually like cashier, waiters, cleaners and more like that. This kind of jobs do not need any additinal skills. Even, if someone manages to get into a skilled program, they get stucked at that particular level and do not get a chance for promotion to further growth. For instance, an electrician who learns the basic skills of wiring at a household level will not have any advance knowledge of making a repair at bigger infrastructure, that person lacks the skils and will have to work at that primary level.

In conclusion, everyone wants to achieve enough in their career, one thing that stops in doing so is the lack of knowledge that can be gained by studing at the university. There is no doubt that a degree always makes a person superior that those not having one, and it also provides a chance for a professional growth which every employee needs. So, i strongly believe that university degree is a must to have a better placement opportunity.

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