Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things we really do not need Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives Which viewpoint do you agree with Use specific reasons and examples to support your ans

Many people argue that advertisements attracts customers in buying different products which are not really needed, whereas others argue that these adverts act as a source of information for the people, about the new product launched in the market. I agree with the latter statement, as the technology advance, newly developed or upgraded products will be introduced in the market and to reach the consumer, advertising is the best option.

People are often influenced by advertisement and they end up buying things that are unnecessary. The way ads are designed nowadays, it clouds the mind of an individual and mislead them to buy them. For instance, ads of vacation package posted by clubs like Country Club, they attract people in the name of a free stay at their selected destination by charging them some maintenance fees. Such marketing strategy influence people's decision, and encourage them to buy such package without giving a second thought.

On the other hand, sometimes ads related to certain products are of a great help. Advertisement can give people the required information regarding any new product available in the market. A company can reach great number of customers through proper advertising, and hence can increase their overall sale. For example, Television, everyone has a Tv at their home, but with the advancement of technology new designed and improved viewing quality of television has been updated and launched in the market, so with proper advertisement only, people will come to know about the features of the product. Similarly, household products are often updated with the better version and such products draws attention through advertisements by their selling company. So it can be said that adverts are boon for the newly launched products.

In conclusion, I agree that advertisements helps a lot to keep an update about the products that are available in the market. Companies are going to market their products with attractive offers and ads to draw the attention of customers, however, its an individual's choice to buy it or not.

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