The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years

The given chart illustrates shifts in the proportion of energy produced by five sources in France in two years 1995 and 2005
Overall, it is apparent that while only petrol production has a downward trend, the opposite was seen in others. In addition, coal energy dominated the rate in both two years.
Moving to a more detailed analysis, in 1995, the two biggest kinds of energy production were coal and gas, with 29,85 and 29,63% respectively. After one year, they grew slightly by a mere 1%, and the Coal rate is still the highest point, at approximately 31%, followed by Gas, at 30,1%.
Another point is that there was a big change in the rest. In 1995, Petrol was the third-highest rate, at 29% but later decrease sharply to 19% after one year. The proportion of energy production from Nuclear power and Other sources grew by approximately 5%, to just over 10% and 9% respectively.

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