74 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer

No one can deny that there are both positive and negative aspects of travelling using director to the trip. If I were forced, I would deinitely select moving guided by a tour guide to extablish a schedule for the tour. It is my firm belief that tour guide has enormous pros to the group for a number of reasons, and I will develop these ideas in the subsequent paragraphs.

To begin with, trips and journeys have some risk if there is no leader for them, especially if the trip is either in new or anonymous place. I have to admit that my opinion on this matter has been profoundly influenced by my own personal experience. Three years ago, I participated in a tour to visit a valley in my country, this valley has massive risky rocks and awkwardness characteristics. On top of that, it has some movable sand which makes difficulty in moving, so for this type of trip you need someone who have a decent expert to deal with these features. Therefore, the leader called Zaid helped us toward moving in the precise steps to deal with each risk in the place. However, the leader has many attributes like cleverness, patient and leadership, all these features made our trip perfect. If the tour guide had not involved with us, we would have not completed this tour.

Secondly, Expert leader has more knowledge and valuable information for saving time and cost for each participant. Drawinf from my own experience. Six years ago, I involved in a tour around America to visit seven states, if I made this trip by my own, it will cost me more than 2000 dollar, but by the aid of the corporation and the tour guide it costs me only 700 dollar and saving any waste time will happened because the absense of knowledge. In addition, because of his knowledge the leader put a schedule to visit the most famous places with suitable transportaion methods, Also he offer a convenient places to stay.

In conclusion, I strongly feel that tour guide is paramount part of each trip. This is because leader has more expert to deal with each situation and can save money and time for the people in the trip.

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