Describe the best gift you ever recieved and say what made the gift so special.

Speaking topics in text

Describe the best gift you ever recieved and say what made the gift so special.

Online speaking recording
Average: 5.5 (2 votes)
This speaking topic by users
Post dates Users rates Contents
2013-12-11 nishith 80.00 Check this speaking
2016-01-11 nishith 80.00 Check this speaking
2013-10-24 Siddhi 83.33 Check this speaking
2013-10-24 Siddhi 62.50 Check this speaking
2014-03-12 Priya Patel 56.67 Check this speaking
Speaking category
Speakings by user vinc :


Well, still we didn't get what is the best gift you ever received. You need to talk a specific gift like a book, a laptop, etc..and list 2-3 reasons to tell what made the gift so special.

Read the topic carefully before you talk.