TPO 02 - Question 3Bus Service Elimination PlannedThe university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the bu

Speaking topics in text

TPO 02 - Question 3
Bus Service Elimination Planned
The university has decided to discontinue its free bus service for students. The reason given for this decision is that few students ride the buses and the buses are expensive to operate. Currently, the buses run from the center of campus past university buildings and through some of the neighborhoods surrounding the campus. The money saved by eliminating the bus service will be used to expand the overcrowded student parking lots.

Speaking recording
Average: 8.3 (1 vote)
This speaking topic by users
Post dates Users rates Contents
2018-04-07 dadfarfardad361 65.00 Check this speaking
2018-03-19 Elena Cristina 76.00 Check this speaking
2018-05-24 17kio 50.00 Check this speaking
2016-10-12 nasimn 60.00 Check this speaking
2019-09-24 kartal 66.00 Check this speaking
Speaking category
Speakings by user Seema Modak :


Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments

Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 631.0 593.389002037 106% => OK
No of words: 182.0 154.784114053 118% => OK
Chars per words: 3.46703296703 3.82920900774 91% => OK
Fourth root words length: 3.67297393991 3.52088357496 104% => OK
Word Length SD: 1.64634493235 1.81998168104 90% => OK
Unique words: 104.0 93.7942973523 111% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.571428571429 0.608046397892 94% => More unique words wanted or less content wanted.
Syllable count: 198.0 185.724439919 107% => OK
Avg_syllables_per_word: 1.1 1.20224032587 91% => OK

Performance on coherence:
Topic speech coherence ratio: 0.0107000270323 0.0833886788687 13% => It may have issues on recording quality or the content is not so closely related to content.

Acoustic performance on paragraphs:
How many acoustic paragraphs: 1.0 3.90020366599 26% => Need more acoustic paragraphs.
Average paragraph length: 182.0 71.3690273242 255% => The average paragraph length is high.
STD paragraph length: 0.0 24.1299301424 0% => OK
Average paragraph duration: 56.07 26.8388033085 209% => Need to control the rhythm of the speech
STD paragraph duration: 0.0 8.89323425527 0% => The duration of acoustic paragraphs keeps same.

Acoustic performance on sentences:
How many acoustic sentences: 38.0 40.266802444 94% => OK
Average acoustic sentence length: 4.78947368421 4.20756893501 114% => OK
STD acoustic sentence length: 3.99445599179 3.23972648638 123% => OK
Average acoustic sentences duration: 1.47105263158 1.51236819293 97% => OK
STD acoustic sentences duration: 1.05064589025 1.0352206224 101% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic silence:(An acoustic silence means a little pause between two or more words)
How many acoustic silence: 39.0 37.9022403259 103% => OK
Total acoustic silence duration: 2.41 7.22384928717 33% => OK
Average acoustic silence duration: 0.0617948717949 0.193825474362 32% => Maybe the speech rate is too fast.
STD acoustic silence duration: 0.0537740665201 0.16431695912 33% => OK

Acoustic performance on acoustic words:
Total word duration: 51.06 46.6644602851 109% => OK
Average word duration: 0.280549450549 0.304040633073 92% => OK
STD word duration: 0.128728888271 0.193491353168 67% => OK

Disfluencies: like hesitations, or 'ehn' or taking a long time to pronounce a word:
How many disfluencies: 4.0 8.88594704684 45% => OK
Total_disfluencies_duration: 2.64 6.97134419552 38% => Good job. The lower, the better.
Total acoustic noise duration: 0.38 3.21433808554 12% => Good job. The lower, the better.

Acoustic rates:
Total speech duration: 56.07 59.1375356415 95% => Talk more. Do not save time. People can talk 4-5 words in one second.
Compare to expected duration: 0.9345 0.985625594026 95% => OK
Rate of silence: 0.695559122525 0.643888735843 108% => OK
Rate of speech: 3.24594257179 2.61565628039 124% => OK
Rate of speech by unique words: 1.85482432673 1.58604529434 117% => OK
Rate of word duration by unique words: 2.03681942812 2.01333574461 101% => OK
Average articulation rates: 0.329643098901 0.322651457988 102% => OK

It may have duplicated content. Need to use the words more efficiently.

Rates: 83.3333333333 out of 100
Scores by speech e-grader: 25.0 Out of 30
Note: the speech e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas.