11 July 2008
The World Health Organization says worsening malnutrition and thethreat of disease outbreaks are compounding Ethiopia's humanitariancrisis. The WHO is launching a $25 million appeal to provide urgentlyneeded health assistance to tens of thousands of people at risk. LisaSchlein reports for VOA from WHO headquarters in Geneva.
TheWorld Health Organization reports more than 4.5 million people inEthiopia are in urgent need of emergency food relief. And, it saysthat number is growing.
It warns of a looming health crisis,made worse by the global food security crisis. It says the healthrisks also are compounded by the impact of drought on agriculturalproduction and the country's weak health system.
The UN healthagency says annual rains during the coming months are expected to causelarge-scale flooding, increasing loss of crops and risk of disease.
WHOSpokesman, Paul Garwood, says the international community must actquickly to help millions of Ethiopians whose health is worsening everyday. As in all crises of this magnitude, he says children, women andthe elderly are most at risk.
"We are seeing that some 75,000children, aged under five need therapeutic and supplementary nutritionsupport in the country," said Garwood. "In just the past three monthsalone, just as an example of the worsening food situation, we areseeing the number of government food centers rising from 200 threemonths ago to 605 today. That is just in three regions of the country,the most severely affected regions of the country."
Evenduring the best of times, Ethiopians do not have a good health record. Before this current crisis erupted, WHO says more than 60 percent ofthe population was suffering from either acute or chronicmalnutrition. It warns malnutrition rates are likely to get even worseas food becomes scarcer and hunger more plentiful.
Garwoodsays the lack of access to safe drinking water, shortages of drugs andmedical supplies will put vulnerable people at significant risk ofdisease outbreaks.
"The major diseases that we see concernsurrounding meningitis, measles and diarrhea, particularly acute waterydiarrhea," he said. "I am not aware of deaths as a result of thesethree types of diseases. But, you know, these three types of diseasesare worsening in the country. So, of course, the fear, the potentialfor death as a result of hunger, malnutrition and diseases is high."
TheUN agency's $25 million appeal will be used to help Ethiopiareconstruct its health sector and provide for the nutritional andhealth needs of its stricken population.
Priorities includemeasures to strengthen disease and nutritional surveillance, to preventmeasles through immunization activities, to train health staff, improvewater and sanitation and provide urgently needed drugs and medicalsupplies.
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