New Delhi
08 July 2008
In India, a bloc of leftist parties is withdrawing support to theCongress-led coalition to protest the government's decision to go aheadwith a controversial civilian nuclear deal with the United States. Butas Anjana Pasricha reports, the government is expected to continue inpower with the support of a regional party.
The decision by four left-wing and communist parties to take back support from the Congress-led coalition came as no surprise.
Itwas triggered by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement that thegovernment will seek approval from the International Atomic EnergyAgency "very soon" for a civilian nuclear deal signed with the UnitedStates.
The head of the Communist Party of India (Marxist),Prakash Karat, said in New Delhi that the decision was inevitable inview of the government's decision to press ahead with the deal.
"Asyou are aware the left parties decided that if the government goes tothe IAEA Board of governors, they will withdraw support. In view ofthe prime minister's announcement, that time has come," he said.
Thecommunist parties strongly oppose the deal, saying it will giveWashington too much influence over India's foreign policy andnuclear weapons program. They say they will formally withdraw supporton Wednesday.
The government, whose term expires next year, doesnot have a majority in parliament and had depended on the outsidesupport extended by the 59 lawmakers of the leftist parties.
ButPrime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is currently in Japan to attend theG8 summit, says the stability of his government will not be affected bythe decision of the leftist parties to walk out.
The primeminister's confidence is based on a political deal the Congress Partyrecently struck with a former adversary, the Samajwadi Party.
TheSamajwadi Party had earlier opposed the nuclear pact. But its leader,Amar Singh, has now pledged to back the Congress Party.
Singh says all members of parliament in his party will vote to support both the government and the nuclear deal in parliament.
Thenuclear deal will give India access to civilian nuclear technology,although it has not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. TheCongress Party has been strongly pitching for the pact, saying it is innational interest and will give India access to nuclear energy to meetits future needs.
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