21 July 2008
The Head of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, says asuccessful outcome of the Doha Development Round will help blunt manyof the economic threats in the world. Lamy made his remarks at theopening of a ministerial summit aimed at wrapping up world tradetalks. Lisa Schlein reports for VOA from WTO headquarters in Geneva.
About30 trade ministers are in Geneva for what is seen as a make-or-breakmeeting. After seven years of negotiations, the ministers hope toconclude an agreement, which will make trade fairer and boost economicgrowth.
WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy says there has been enough foot-dragging. He says now it is time for action.
"Thetime has come to move from discussions to negotiations," Lamy said. "We have talked the talk. We now have to walk the walk to finish theround."
Lamy says the WTO's 153 member states are within reachof achieving an agreement. He says with patience and determinationthis can happen. He says he can think of no stronger spur for actionthan the threats facing the world economy.
He says the risingcost of food, the high energy prices and turbulence in the financialmarkets should be reason enough for governments to conclude a tradedeal.
"There is widespread recognition that a balanced outcomeof the Doha Round could in these circumstances provide a strong push tostimulate economic growth, " Lamy noted, "providing better prospectsfor development and ensuring a stable and more predictable tradingsystem."
Some economists say a Doha deal could boost the worldeconomy by nearly $50 billion a year. But before that point can bereached, key issues remain to be resolved.
Developingcountries are pushing for rich countries to make deep cuts in farmsubsidies and tariffs. The rich nations want the developing countriesto cut tariffs on industrial goods and services.
U.S. TradeRepresentative Susan Schwab says Washington is committed to the outcomeof this round and will continue to be a leader. But, she adds, othercountries also must be willing to contribute more.
"To have ameaningful development outcome to this round ... we know that we haveto secure meaningful new market access in agriculture, in manufacturingand in services," Schwab said. "And, that is particularly true when itcomes to the interests of the developing countries involved and of therapidly emerging markets that are so key to this negotiation in termsof their involvement and in terms of the contribution that they canmake to a successful outcome."
But many analysts say they arenot sure U.S. negotiators can deliver on a trade deal in the finalmonths of the Bush administration. They note the so-called fast-trackauthority that allowed the White House to call for a straightup-or-down vote on trade pacts expired more than a year ago.
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