- Integrated speaking 3-5)A Notice from Public Safety A new parking policy is being instituted starting next year. Previously, faculty and staff were given first preference of parking passes, then commuting students, then the remaining passes were given out 80
- Integrated speaking 3-3)A Student Government Announcement The Student Government Association, SGA, has decided they would like to sponsor a Person of the Year award at the university. This award is for a teacher, student, or member of the staff who has m 77
- describe a person you admire. Explain why you admire this person. Include details and examples to support your explanation. 80
- one of the best way for learning is making mistake!!!!!!!!! agree or not? 80
- Talk about an event from the past that you would like to relieve. Describe the original event and say why you would like to relive it. 80
The Integrated Listening…
The Integrated Listening/Speaking tasks in questions 5 and 6 do not have a reading passage associated with them. For question 5, you will listen to a short conversation about a campus-related situation and respond to a question based on what you have heard. In the conversation, two people will typically discuss a problem and two pos¬sible solutions: Spider Solitaire.
The problem is one that concerns one of them or both of them directly. After you listen to the conversation, you will be asked to briefly describe the situation that was discussed in the conversation and to give your own opinion about solutions to the problem. You will have 60 seconds in which to give your spoken response. The topics for this task are based on common, everyday situations or prob¬lems that might arise at a college or university.
24 in 30
talk more in 60 seconds