The attention deficit that is created with the increasing mass media and internet technology in a way is a bane for the humans who fails to analyze the essential usage of these technologies. The statement puts forward a strong opinion about the overall advantage of these technologies outbalancing the illicit effects rendered to the people. In my opinion, I strongly agree the benefits of mass media over the malicious impact on the people on a routine basis. The agreement can be attributed based on the reality checks with how various technologies create an impactful impression right from children to the elderlies at home. For instance, it is even impossible to communicate with people all over the globe without a proper mass media invention. Thus leading to an effective globalization phenomenon. Similarly, there are various scenarios and circumstances imputed to the filtration of large information of data over the internet and absorb only the necessary quantity required on daily basis.
Mass media enhancement which leads to immense globalization happening also have tremendous effect on the life of people who lives in the remote areas of the world. Recently, there is an enhancement to the video calls made through the implementation of 5G networks by various communication service providers. Therefore, a communication barrier that existed for eras have been effectively tackled. However, one can infer the devastating effects of such improvements like the youngsters getting lost into a virtual world of friends and people devoting their time entirely in tik tok, youtube channels etc. But in this scenario, one must also underscore the income people earn through their channels by just uploading a video. For instance, many new generation youtubers, vloggers and bloggers have successfully entrenched their footprint in the field of mass media through eclectic video options entertaining people. Smile Squad by Markian is one such channel that received a global applause for his mockery and cultural exploration videos. People become more inclined towards media for a break and relaxation from their extremely mundane lifestyle.
Moreover, to discuss about the student's role in adapting to the exponentially changing technology is far more important as we witness the change in the environment to which students and teachers interact changes sporadically. The online classrooms and video-based learning have become the ritual of the day and the given situation we live in. Thus, students are especially grateful to the rapid development in classrooms which made it possible to even gain knowledge during the pandemic that we face now. Given the backdrop of such a pandemic situation, even the management of corporates have found their way through online meetings and virtual offices making their agendas to meet the deadlines.
Sorting and searching is in no way a new technique to human intellectual ability. The cognitive development of humans has reached its culmination point such that they are versatile in technological advancements imbibing the protocols and designs in a rapid pace. Even though, the internet is glutted with most of the irrelevant and apocryphal links, most of the people are able to distinguish their requirement over the nonsensical elements. For instance, an awareness about the phishing internet sites and unsecured links are distinguished by rapid filters which even warns the users. Also in some countries like the UAE, there is a ban over the pornographic websites essentially filtering the users from unwanted website usage. Therefore, there are some established techniques to divert the people's mind towards a necessity even if there are lot of distractions on the internet. To conclude, as discussed, the advantages surely outweigh the relatively negligible distortions around the life of the people.
- The following appeared as part of a petition sent to residents of Youngtown by an environmental protection group The Smith Corporation should not be permitted to develop the land that is now part of the Youngtown Wildlife Preserve This sanctuary is es 59
- Claim Group assignments that students must work together to complete should replace asubstantial amount of traditional lecture based instruction in college and universitycourses Reason It is vital for students to gain experience collaborating with peers 66
- Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by looking at the achievements of its rulers artists or scientists Others argue that the surest indicator of a great nation is in fact the general welfare of all its people Write a respons 50
- Some people say that saving money is good way and other say that spending money is the best way to enjoy life Discuss both views and your opinion 84
- The following is a memorandum from the business manager of a television station quot Over the past year our late night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news During this period most of the comp 45
Grammar and spelling errors:
Line 3, column 32, Rule ID: POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE[1]
Message: Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'students'' or 'student's'?
Suggestion: students'; student's
...estyle. Moreover, to discuss about the students role in adapting to the exponentially c...
Line 3, column 273, Rule ID: AFFORD_VB[1]
Message: This verb is used with the infinitive: 'to have'
Suggestion: to have
...ine classrooms and video-based learning have become the ritual of the day and the gi...
Transition Words or Phrases used:
also, but, however, if, moreover, similarly, so, therefore, thus, as to, for instance, in my opinion
Attributes: Values AverageValues Percentages(Values/AverageValues)% => Comments
Performance on Part of Speech:
To be verbs : 18.0 19.5258426966 92% => OK
Auxiliary verbs: 3.0 12.4196629213 24% => OK
Conjunction : 16.0 14.8657303371 108% => OK
Relative clauses : 11.0 11.3162921348 97% => OK
Pronoun: 25.0 33.0505617978 76% => OK
Preposition: 87.0 58.6224719101 148% => OK
Nominalization: 27.0 12.9106741573 209% => Less nominalizations (nouns with a suffix like: tion ment ence ance) wanted.
Performance on vocabulary words:
No of characters: 3256.0 2235.4752809 146% => OK
No of words: 600.0 442.535393258 136% => OK
Chars per words: 5.42666666667 5.05705443957 107% => OK
Fourth root words length: 4.94923200384 4.55969084622 109% => OK
Word Length SD: 3.01104448471 2.79657885939 108% => OK
Unique words: 328.0 215.323595506 152% => OK
Unique words percentage: 0.546666666667 0.4932671777 111% => OK
syllable_count: 1044.9 704.065955056 148% => OK
avg_syllables_per_word: 1.7 1.59117977528 107% => OK
A sentence (or a clause, phrase) starts by:
Pronoun: 2.0 6.24550561798 32% => OK
Article: 9.0 4.99550561798 180% => OK
Subordination: 2.0 3.10617977528 64% => OK
Conjunction: 1.0 1.77640449438 56% => OK
Preposition: 3.0 4.38483146067 68% => OK
Performance on sentences:
How many sentences: 26.0 20.2370786517 128% => OK
Sentence length: 23.0 23.0359550562 100% => OK
Sentence length SD: 40.526271704 60.3974514979 67% => OK
Chars per sentence: 125.230769231 118.986275619 105% => OK
Words per sentence: 23.0769230769 23.4991977007 98% => OK
Discourse Markers: 3.84615384615 5.21951772744 74% => OK
Paragraphs: 4.0 4.97078651685 80% => OK
Language errors: 2.0 7.80617977528 26% => OK
Sentences with positive sentiment : 14.0 10.2758426966 136% => OK
Sentences with negative sentiment : 4.0 5.13820224719 78% => OK
Sentences with neutral sentiment: 8.0 4.83258426966 166% => OK
What are sentences with positive/Negative/neutral sentiment?
Coherence and Cohesion:
Essay topic to essay body coherence: 0.266778105011 0.243740707755 109% => OK
Sentence topic coherence: 0.0668113029059 0.0831039109588 80% => OK
Sentence topic coherence SD: 0.0460875658623 0.0758088955206 61% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence: 0.142132484264 0.150359130593 95% => OK
Paragraph topic coherence SD: 0.0759662440498 0.0667264976115 114% => OK
Essay readability:
automated_readability_index: 15.7 14.1392134831 111% => OK
flesch_reading_ease: 39.67 48.8420337079 81% => OK
smog_index: 11.2 7.92365168539 141% => OK
flesch_kincaid_grade: 13.4 12.1743820225 110% => OK
coleman_liau_index: 14.51 12.1639044944 119% => OK
dale_chall_readability_score: 10.01 8.38706741573 119% => OK
difficult_words: 199.0 100.480337079 198% => OK
linsear_write_formula: 14.0 11.8971910112 118% => OK
gunning_fog: 11.2 11.2143820225 100% => OK
text_standard: 14.0 11.7820224719 119% => OK
What are above readability scores?
Better to have 5/6 paragraphs with 3/4 arguments. And try always support/against one side but compare two sides, like this:
para 1: introduction
para 2: reason 1. address both of the views presented for reason 1
para 3: reason 2. address both of the views presented for reason 2
para 4: reason 3. address both of the views presented for reason 3
para 5: reason 4. address both of the views presented for reason 4 (optional)
para 6: conclusion.
Rates: 83.33 out of 100
Scores by essay e-grader: 5.0 Out of 6
Note: the e-grader does NOT examine the meaning of words and ideas. VIP users will receive further evaluations by advanced module of e-grader and human graders.