An IELTS test taker N from India shared the questions asked in a recent exam:
Speaking testIELTS test in India
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Do you work or study?
- Where are you from?
- Tell me about your home town.
- What do you like about your home town?
- When you were a child what activities did you enjoy more?
- What did you like to do the most?
- What type of games have you played?
- Did you play more indoor or outdoor games?
- Were there any changes in children’s games?
- Do you think there is a difference between a child growing alone or with other kids?
- Do you like plants in your home? Why?
- How important are the plants to you?
Cue Card
Talk about something that you cannot live without on a daily basis (except mobile phone or computer). Please say
- How did it become so important?
- When did you buy it?
- Why do you like it?
- Do your friends feel the same about it?
- Do you like giving it to someone?
- Nowadays young people pay more attention to new technology launches, is it true?
- How do you feel about it, is it important to you?
- Why are young people giving so much importance to the latest mobiles and computers’ releases?
- Why do children keep things or toys with them?
- Why do they give such importance to them?
I think, Eye glasses could be good pick for cue card.