Write a bottle letter with a message you want to share

Dear everyone,

First of all,I hope you are healthy and happy. Second,I hope you are satisfied with your life and I am writing this letter to share with you a message that I really like. When I was a kid, I was very short compared to my classmates. I had low self-esteem because my friends teased me for being a dwarf. When I got home, I asked my mother “why am I not as tall as my friends?”.I cried a lot and my mother comforted me. She told me: Don’t compare myself to others because we are not the same. Everyone has their own strengths. Don’t be ashamed just because you are not tall, but be ashamed of not knowing how to love others.However,I could not stop crying and hating myself.It took a long time, when I was in high school,I changed my mind and I started loving myself.Now,I know my mother’s words are true and I have more confidence in myself.Although I am not tall, I can still teach my own dreams while my previous friends are not. Especially,I have a kind heart and I know loving others around me.I am proud of that. I may not be tall but people have to look up to me. That is exactly what I would like to share with you.No matter good or bad you are,you are still a limited version of yourself and remember : Don’t compare yourself to others.There is no comparison between the sun and the mmoon.They shine when it is their time.

Finally, I wish you all to be happy and confident in yourself!


Truong Thanh Thao.

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