The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government industry or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation not competition Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree wi

The prompt states that society should instill a sense of cooperation instead of competition to the new generation of young people. I have to agree partially because along with cooperation, competition is one of the main driving forces for improvement in almost any field.

Competition was one of the main driving forces for many technological advancements in todays society. One current example is the second space race that is taking place right now. There has been a long period of time in the United States where NASA was one of the main governing forces when it came to space and space exploration. Now, there are many new private companies such as SpaceX and Blue origin that have noticed the potential of monetization of the space industry. A few years ago the only way to get into orbit was to essentially blow up a part of the rocket and have it land in the ocean versus currently where the booster stage can land safely by itself which greatly reduces cost. This is just one example of how competition can be a great thing for society.

Although competition does inspire innovation, cooperation is vital in any field to make progress. Cooperation allows for a smoother flow of getting work done. For example, if there are any disagreements in a working environment the pace of getting work done slows down drastically. If the employees incorporated techniques where everyone's opinion is heard and everyone can reach a common conclusion then it will lead to a more efficient environment. Cooperation often also leads to a sense of comradery in the workplace and encourages employees to want to come in to work. For example, if an employee is backed up in a certain department it should be the other employees duty to help them out. This cooperation will often create a better environment for the employees and will make them want to come into work versus dreading going to work.

A lack of cooperation is one of the major flaws of the US government these days. Some would say that the two party itself is a major weakness when it comes to political and economic advancement. The problem arises when one party wants to push their own agenda but the other party will decline for the sole reason being they are not part of thier own party. There have been many disputes on this topic but perhaps if there was better cooperation among the political parties then governmental issues would not be so controversal.

In my opinion, the best way to prepare young people is to greatly encourage cooperation while still having a sense of competitiveness. This will result in harmony between fellow coworkers or freinds while also instilling a sense of advancement.

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