Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students from pursuing fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim In developing and suppor

Educational centers usually give some consultations about future roles and fields of study in which they think students would be successful, but how sure the consaltants are to avoid students from fields they forecast rare to be successful.
First of all it is essential to consider giving consultation about future of life to a fresh acute brain with tremendous competencies and aptitudes is not as easy as it was in before. Fostering technology inherently is altering the life and roles which it requires and hence it is not similar to past in ways new generation think and behave. In my idea new style of life needs new players with new capabilities which their potential are not clear enough for academic consultants in schools. No one can argue can determine or at least outline ones abilities and potential skills meanwhile we assure time will change personal and brain abilities. There are abundant examples in biography of known scholars who were considered lazy, dupe, unskilled or innane in school atmosphere but could make revolution in science and human wisdom. Names like Albert Einestian , So its better to recommand guaiders in schools let students to choose their own future by their own.
On the other hand it is better for students to take responsibility of their decisions about field they enter. Preventing or discouraging someone from a field in which he likes may produce obssess in future life. While the person looks to his background and sees today simple fauilires he wishe he choose the field he wanted but elites in university or school persistatntly avoided.
To sum up, I’d rather institutions encourage students for their aptitudes and merits but do not intervene when they recognize probable failure in future. Giving necessary information to students seems positive but should not manipulate students independent decision for their life.

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