The following appeared in a recommendation from the President of the Amburg Chamber of Commerce Last October the city of Belleville installed high intensity lighting in its central business district and vandalism there declined almost immediately The

The author claims that establishing high intensity lighting in central business district will result in reduction of vandalism owing to the fact that other city saw the authors claim come true . Moreover he/she declares that police patrols on bicycles which were deployed recently had negligible effect on the vandalism and wants to replace them with high intensity lights . According to the author's claim and the reasons , it can be inferred that the reasons provided are too vague or need more explanation .
First of all , the most intriguing part of claim is the relation between intensive street light and reduction in crime rate in a city despite witnessing vandalism in broad day light . Author jumps to conclusion by reciting the clear fact that installing intensive street light reduced crime in city of Belleville without investigating other possible factors such as increase in awareness among business owners regarding security when they witnessed surge in crime rates , growing more cautious , and reinforcing better security measures such as bio-metrics , cameras etc . And as a result the crime rates dropped .
Secondly , the author criticizes governments effort of institutionalizing police patrols on bicycles which is clearly a better option between the prior and the subsequent as there are actual official authorities doing patrol check at night which initiates a fear of getting caught red handed . Speculating the reasons behind there failures might have been , inefficient police forces assigned for patrolling . In this case scenario , we have a bigger problem than debating about the installation of lights as safety of our loved ones depends on it .
Furthermore , some might argue that high intensive lights inculcate fear of being seen ,among the evildoers . However , in case of power failure or intentional power cut , which is not uncommon doing by criminals before committing crime as most of the atrocities are pre-planned , lights will be rendered useless as compared to regular bicycles patrolling which might be the best reliable option to in case of power failure .
As a summary , the situation needs a further investigation in current statistics and security measures adopted by both government and business owners before taking any steps further . The current claim is only based on assumptions and false logic rendering this request inaccurate .

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