Governments should place few if any restrictions on scientific research and development Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the recommendation and explain your reasoning for the position you take In develop

Scientific research, which is no doubt the backbone of a country, plays a significant role in both the enrichment of people’s life and the rapid development of society. Therefore, most people call for an endless encouragement in scientific research. However, fully considering the impact it has on the quality of life of citizens and stability of society, I hold the position that we should think twice and government should place restriction on scientific research. The reasons are as follows:
Firstly, the researches of tremendous number of advanced technologies are supported by many companies due to financial purpose, thus if we do not conduct restrictions to them, they would exploit and infringe the rights of users of their technology. A typical example is that nowadays some internet companies leaked the users’ data for illegal income, and that’s because government didn’t monitor the internet market well, resulting in some people made use of the flaw of law and spied on the users’ privacy with advanced technology. So, we can conclude that put proper but definitely not few restrictions to scientific research can regulate the industrial and protect those pathetic users from suffering enormous loss before they are aware of it, which is vital for social equity. Therefore, aptly laws and other methods of government on scientific research should be made.
What’s more, what is more horrible than individual victimization is the wastage of country’s resources caused by low efficiency of scientific research without the government intervention. As we all known, there are lots of funds set for variety kinds of scientific research, and the proportion of country assets used on scientific research is rising. There would be people snatch huge profit through corrupting the scientific funds, which not only disappoints those taxpayers but also hinders the development of nation. I strongly suggest that government should make explicit criteria on scientific research in order to ensure every penny is worthy spent, for example, a mature procedure of eligibility assessment for national scientific funds should be made, so we can see that it needs lots of restrictions but not ‘few’.
Apart from financial concern, ethics also matters. If let scientific research develop freely, severe moral problems will occur, which threaten the security of society. For example, assume that it is allowed to use clone technology on human beings, then we need to answer the question that if those cloned people has the equal rights to humans who are nature bore, which whatever the answer is would bring ethical crisis of human life. Also, we cannot be sure about whether the cloned people will occupy too much resource of the society, which gives burden to the living of nature bore people and stimulate the contradiction between cloned people and nature bore people, leading to challenge of ethics and an unstable society. So the ethical boundary of science should be stipulated by government, which could keep our moral line.
We cannot deny that scientific research should be encouraged, and I am strongly convinced that out future depends on science. But after the feverish we should be careful, be cautious, as science is a double-edged sword, if we do not control it properly, we may will be engulfed by the greedy and desire of ourselves which are revealed through science just as we have discussed above. So, we should be modest and appropriate but absolutely not few restrictions should be conducted by government, only in this way can we continue make great progress.

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