As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasonin

Technology, a man-made mean to lessen human efforts, has been doing so without any doubt. However, there are subtle ways in which technology is causing adverse effects on human life. These nuances come in the picture only when we give it a precarious thought. Therefore, I mostly agree with the statement. This essay will be addressing the issues that can be caused due to too much dependency on technology as well as mentioning the opposite side, the blessings technology has brought us.

Human brain is designed in such a way that it performs effectively when it is exposed to continuous challenges. And with the development of technology and cutting-edge facilities, we have frequent access to numerous devices to perform computation and challenging tasks. However, the problem with the availability of these machines is that people tend to overuse them for trivial calculations and tasks. As a result, the necessary exercise to run our brain at an effective rate remains due. For example, scientists at Boston Consultant Group (BCG) performed an interesting experiment on human brain, where they measured the frequency of brain’s activities via electromagnetic waves. The experiment involved two groups of people who were exposed to moderate and difficult mathematical problems. When the data were compiled, and an overall map was created, the researchers found that people who were exposed to challenging problems had higher brain activity than the other group of people. This is an indication and confirmation of the theories how human brain works.

However, one can not overlook the blessings that technology has brought us. Although there are people who overuse the technologies, there are really complex scenarios out there where we are in dire need of the help of technology. We can leave the intricate and involved computations up to technological devices and spend that time on other crucial things, thus allowing one to imbibe in personal interests.

In summary, there is no doubt that technology has made our lives easier, at least to the naked eye. But upon meticulous observations, one can come to the conclusion that there are associated drawbacks of technologies which can imperil human in subtle ways. Overusing them for petty purposes might not provide a person with regular brain exercise that will, in turn, impair critical reasoning and problem solving abilities of human.

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