A recent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executives according to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed an association between the amount of sleep the executives need and the success of their firms Of the advertising

According to an article present in business magazine it suggests that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night. This suggestion is based on certain assumptions, if proved wrong will make the article baseless.
Firstly, it gives information about the recent study which provided an association between amount of sleep executives need and success of the business. The author should provide the evidence on which he/she has developed the relation between the two factors. Here, it is assumed that average number of sleep per night is the only factor responsible for success of business. There can be other factors such as setting of goals, good time management, team work and many other which may have influenced success. It also mentions that 300 male and female were studied. On which basis where they selected for this study? The author also mentions numbers such as ‘less than 6 hours of sleep’; evidence of this result should be mentioned in the article.
Furthermore, it says that ‘Of the advertising firms studied’ i.e. all advertising firms which are successful may not be a part of this study. Here, it is assumed that the numbers of firms which are studied are enough to make a suggestion about amount of sleep an executive of firm should take for its success. There can be certain firms which are successful and have an average number of hours more than 6 taken by the executives of the firm. It can be other way round i.e. certain firms having less than 6 hours of average sleep may not be successful. Thus, if this assumption is not true then it would contradict the suggestion and should be evaluated.
In conclusion, the argument brings weak evidence without strong support and writer could deliver a more convincing document for the readers to get influenced. The author does not give importance to other factors which may be more vital than the considered factors.

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