Salicylates are members of the same chemical family as aspirin a medicine used to treat headaches Although many foods are naturally rich in salicylates for the past several decades food processing companies have also been adding salicylates to foods as

based on what the argument explains experts believe in future regarding to previous researches increasing salicylate dosage in food industry will lead to aleviation of headaches. it seems there are some ambigious points which should be enlighten for proper decision.
first of all there are numerious correlations between two seprated data sets. showing high level of correlation neccessarily dosent prove a teoritical and cousal relationship.
secondly no experimental evident is presented showing ineffectully of harmful empacts of salysine on body. Although there are some facts about positive effects of this drug on headache, other side – effects about this sort drug is unclear.
Based on what experts forseid residents due to higher lever of salysine will suffer fewer headaches which is totally an ill-mannered assumption. As almost everyone may knows elments causes headaces are several in sort and size. It can be from air polution to special pablic nutrition habits. So predicting such a one sided prediction without considering many other aspects sems overlooking to problem.
To sum up, arguments highly suffer from faint bases. Ther writer strictly recommand to consider drug side effects and also effects of other stimulating factors for headache.

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