Some people believe that corporations have a responsibility to promote the well being of the societies and environments in which they operate Others believe that the only responsibility of corporations provided they operate within the law is to make as mu

One of the most vital factors that indicate the success of a society or a country is its people's wealth, or in other words, prosperity level. There are different opinions on who is responsible for promoting people's well-being. Some people hold the idea that corporations or companies are responsible for this subject, and they should provide people of the society or environment in which they operate with money to increase the level of their prosperity. However, others, with whom I comply, believe that the only duty of companies and corporations is to make money and operate their businesses as well as it is possible. In what follows, I will delineate my viewpoint on the ground of two persuasive reasons.

Without a doubt, the most consequential point corroborating my stance on this subject is that today's world is far more intricate than in the past. Corporations and companies, no matter how big they are, must concentrate on making their own money to be able to compete in this highly demanding and competitive market. Companies are not responsible for any other things except for their own success. They must make money to improve their businesses and pay their employees wages. On the other hand, if a company operates well and proceeds in the world market, in other words, becomes an international company instead of remaining a local business, it will indirectly contribute to enhancing the people's well-being of that society. Take Apple as an example. This international and well-known company only concentrates on its task, which is producing smartphones and other electronic devices. Selling them internationally helps improve the prosperity of the US people indirectly. This example illustrates that companies or corporations, whether they are local or international, should not be considered as the main ones responsible for increasing people's well-being, even though, sometimes, they do this in an indirect and intangible way.

Although the previous reason is the first one crossing the mind at first glance, another remarkable point deserving some words here is that people are responsible for their success or prosperity at the first level. People should manage their money so they can increase their own level of wealth. If people in a society know how to manage their own money, they not only can improve their own life but also they can help other poor people directly or via charity organizations. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that some extraneous and intractable factors affect people's prosperity, for instance, the inflation rate. Consequently, at the second level, the government is to blame for people's low level of wealth. One of the most significant duties of every government is to warranty its people's well-being and eradicate poverty.

To make the long story short, and reflecting upon all the aforementioned grounds, one soon realizes that corporations and companies have other more vital tasks to undertake than involving themselves in ancillary issues such as people's prosperity. When it comes to people's wealth and prosperity, the people themselves at first hand and the government at the second level have to be considered as the main responsible.

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