Teachers salaries should be based on their students academic performance

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Many people believe that a student's performance in school depends on the teaching methodology of the faculty. This ideal is possibly followed by those who do not want to accept that it could be their children who are not putting in sedulous efforts, hence, directing the blame to the teachers. I do not agree with the aforementioned due to a myriad of factors.
First of all, a teacher has to educate around an average of 150 students in a day. Each class might have 30 to 50 students. Paying precise and meticulous attention to each and every student seems a bit arduous. Many times, its the students who fail to grasp what the teacher is explaining since they are more busy distracting the class. This affects the class on a whole and is not the teacher's fault. Furthermore, even intellectual students might not pay attention to the class due to them going to extra classes after school. As a result, they might not find it necessary to learn in school.
Moreover, if the system of basing the teachers' salaries on the students' academic performance is followed, the teachers will be paying more attention in teachings tricks to students to get better marks. For instance, they will teach using a set of questions and their answers for the students to learn instead of actually providing them knowledge. They might also purposely overlook any unfair means practiced by students to get better marks, so as to not get salary cuts. These two factors will impede the learning process of the students. The students will be merely taught for acing exams. This system will only deteriorate the quality of education by acting as a demotivator for teachers. No teacher would want to put in hardwork only to get salary cuts.
It cannot always be the teachers' fault for students not obtaining good grades. If it is believed that poor grades are a result of poor teaching methodolgy practiced by a teacher, then the school should avoid hiring them instead of cutting salaries. It would be more practical to assess these methodologies before hiring a teacher to the school.
Additionally, teachers will start conducting home tuitions to maintain a consistent income. They will spend more brain power in teaching the same students at home. Students would have no choice but to take these home tutions to get better knwoledge. Also, the salary deperatment would have unnecesary problems due to the faculty having different salaries per month. Additionally, each faculty member would have a differeent salary, hence, adding on more problems to the department. On top of that, the livelihood of the teacher would possibly be drastically affected in the long run. They would have to plan their monthly expenses depending upon their salary that month. As it is, teachers are paid very low in many countries if not all. As a shortcoming, the quality of lifestyle would be extremely low, adding up as another factor leading to poor provision of education.
Although it is very important to keep checks on the teachers, other pragmatic measures should be followed. Weekly assessments of teachers should be held along with workshops providing information on new and effective teaching methodologies for the teachers to follow. Instead of salary cuts, incentives should be provided for excellent performances. Instead of taking a negative approach, a positive one should be followed.

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