The well being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority

The well-being of a society is enhanced is enhanced when many of its people questions authority is not an agreeable statement according to me. Although, we live in a world where democracy is the most favorable form of government and is its one of the principles is “Freedom of speech”, but if a lot of people will question the authority, a lot of time would be wasted as different people have different opinions and what may be right for one could be wrong for the other. Sometimes, people have jaundiced point of views and they keep on seeing the bad things which exacerbate the conditions and they cannot see the good part even in the wise decisions. So, people should initially choose a leader wisely, but then must trust him with his process.
But trusting the leader doesn’t mean to have a blind faith. People should definitely raise their voices if they feel injustice and prejudice. There are many examples in history also where leaders have taken advantage of blind faith to establish a dictatorial approach. Extreme dogmatic decisions must be questioned by the people for the well-being of society. Like recently in India, the farmers protest was reasonable because the government was showing a haughty attitude towards its people.
In the end, I will say questions authority again and again might attenuate the countries growth but supercilious behavior of the leaders must also not be tolerated and questioned. If people will challenge the government decision for their internal benefits and personal gains that is wrong and will hobble the nations development while the vice versa is also true.

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