With all the problems in the world today spending money on space exploration is a complete waste The money could be better spent on other causes

In modern scenario, unprecedented technological advancements have enthralled the world. Numerous intellectual individuals consider mammon invested on space exploration is in essence a wastage of financial resources. According to my perception, governmental revenues should be incurred on diverse issues like creating education facilities as well as fantabulous job opportunities for the betterment of society and the nation.

Comprehending the factual information, nowadays, national and international administrations invest millions and billions of dollars on space exploration. Titanic amounts are incurred on just exploring the possibilities of life on neighbouring planets. Present generation may not be able to witness the visions of such researches. On the contrary, enumerable sectors can be considered that need to be scrutinized for the betterment of society. For instance, innumerable people suffer starvation due to lack of fundamental essential commodities like food, clothes and shelter. In India, there are certain villages where there is no fresh water to drink.

Further elucidating my perspective, education plays an indispensable role in advancement of a nation. Masses in India suffer devastating experiences due to illiteracy and ignorance. Governments should spend more money on providing free education to the underprivileged sections of the country in order to eradicate illiteracy from the society. Moreover, highly qualified individuals suffer due unemployment. Administration ought to invest millions and billions on creating more employment opportunities. This will open up new boundaries and assist the skilful individuals to find enormous chances to shoulder their responsibilities in upgradation of the country.

To recapitulate, spending more money on space researches would further exacerbate the tribulations of the country. Instead, government should make all the possible endeavours to educate the masses and also to create more enthusiastic job opportunities. This would play an essential role to eradicate illiteracy and poverty. Apart from this, it would help to overcome unemployment.

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