In many countries more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find job after graduation What peoblem do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and society Give reasons and make suggestion

Nowadays, the number of young people who did not find a job after their graduation has been increasing in many countries. With many differents reasons, they are getting drawbacks to not only individuals but also the whole society, disscussing about all problems will bring us why the rate of graduation student are increasing.
There are many problems concerning those unemployed young people. Beginning with individual, when they were the students at University or College, they did not worry about the finance a lot, the reason is that they are help by their parents partly, the world in general and Vietnam in particularly. However, all happening after their graduation will be different from before, It is a plain truth that they have to make it for themselve, but they have gotten unemployment, it is difficult to keep their finace for the living cost, more somethings bad is the loss of hope, this is because that they graduated their school with being eager to challenge themselves. In fact, they have to compete against thousands of other candidates for a suitable job and the employers tend to have preference for those who have intensive or extensive experience, This has been affected to the psychology of freshman a lot.
Nevertheless, there are many things which do not stop at individual, the unemployed will be under more severe pressure of social status. As a result, they thought that they were the lowest position in society, some of them are likely to commit crimes, which directly threatens the social security. In addition, absolutely, those who are in employment have duty to pay taxes, In contrast, people who are jobless receive allowance from the government. This will cause the local economy to develop slowly, or worse still result in the economic depression.
In conclusion, the high rate of unemployment candidates after graduation will be affected to both individuals and the society. Therefore, the Governments should the first unit which bring them the exact, proper policies including interest-free loans or encouraging Self-employment policies and the next representative is recruiters who help the graduated students more opportunities

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