Many people these days travel far for work or spend more hours working Does this trend have more advantages or disadvantages What do you think about work life balance

In this highly competitive world, people have been spending a significant amount of time traveling and working at their workplaces. This ongoing trend has brought many demerits and affected the work-life balance of individuals. In this essay, I will discuss the negative impacts of working hours going on recently in people’s lives along with their work-life balance.

To commence with, in this globalized world, multiple companies and their workers have to face international competition in the market which makes their work harder and tougher. To make it clear, it is evident, that most of the international firms are technologically advance so it has become necessary for employees to work overtime with dedications to compete for those companies. Secondly, the daily expenses of a family have been rapidly increasing day-by-day such as money spent on groceries and fuel. In this context, it is hard for a man to run his family with a single job of regular working hours. As a result, they force themselves to work overtime in their companies or else to do other part-time jobs for extra income to run their families. Finally, most of the companies are located at the outskirts of the city due to the latest infrastructure development. To illustrate, many employees who are living in cities have to travel from their private cars to their offices. Because only automobiles are convenient and comfortable for traveling to far distances from one place to another. Therefore, nowadays, the above three disadvantages in worker’s life justify the ongoing trend of long working hours and computing to workplaces far from employees homes.
On the other side, the work-life balance has shown its own drawbacks from this trend. First and foremost the a communication gap among family members since they do not have time to interact with each other. Moreover, the health of an individual has been affected due to an improper diet. Additionally, obesity has been seen among people who are not following healthy-balance meals. If people will follow the same schedule of work-life balance, consequently, it will have severe effects on them.
To conclude, overtime at work and traveling to office have badly affected the social and family life of people, even though there are laws which say minimum working hours of employees but still, many workers are forced overtime. Hence, the government should take initiatives to come up with a solution to this problem.

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