As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work job satisfaction is an important element of individual well being What factors contribute to job satisfaction How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers

In the modern world where the living standard is constantly increasing and work life balance is getting harder to maintain, people need enjoyment at work to become a mentally healthy individual of the society. It is true to say that income, working environment and passion are the key determinants of job satisfaction. For different professions, expectations in the listed factors are varied, but I believe that satisfaction is only an unachievable dream for the majority of workers.

First, it is argued that the main reason for people to go to work every day is remuneration. In fact, employees demand an appropriate salary from the organizations and will consider changing their career path once a better-compensated position becomes available. Obviously, a higher paid worker will be more satisfied than someone with lower pay rate. Secondly, a positive working atmosphere will reduce the pressure on employees, which results in a happy and stress-free community. A workplace where everyone is friendly will encourage people to enjoy their working basis. Finally, human’s passions and desires also play a vital role in a delightful career. For instance, an artistic person will find painting more enthusiastic than being an IT professional, while a history lover will live his dream of becoming an archaeologist.

On the other hand, it is nearly impossible for anyone to be completely satisfied with his or her occupation. The truth is, with a high remuneration comes an enormous amount of stress. A worker who is constantly under pressure will not be satisfied with their position, while a flexible job that fulfills workers’ passion often has low wages. It seems that human nature is the main obstacle for employees to achieve working delight.

In conclusion, people are seeking satisfaction at their workplace as a daily motivation to work. Three main contributors to a satisfying job are appropriate compensation, positive working environment, and enthusiasm. On the whole, I believe human nature will hinder our desire of working satisfaction.

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