Music is played in every society and culture in the world today Some people think that music brings only benefits to individuals and societies Others however think that music can have a negative influence on both Discuss both views and give your own opini

We can not imagine our life and society without music because every nation has their own national music. Some people think music has benefits to individuals and societies while other against this. There are arguments on both sides of this very topical debate, and I will discuss them now.
On the one hand, opponents of music point to loud music has bad influence on ear. Some youngsters used to headphones in a loud sound, even they get in their ear. Secondly, someone who listening to music in a work time, they not able to collect their opinion. It can reduce efficiency of work, even this cause some terrible disasters. Finally, there is a spending a lot of valuable time for listening music. Some fans if music try to go concerts instead of work and spend to this 2 or 3 days.
On the other hand, supporters of music say music is a art and it gives relaxing time, some feelings. They enjoy music when they listen it live or form TV or another device. Furthermore, music can help save the national cultures so it is sounded annual ceremony or other celebrations. Every time athletics or other participants of competition win then national hymn sounds. Finally, sometimes it help to relax when worker very tired. Workers of office hear a music when there are lots of noise.
In conclusion, my own feeling is that music is good thing for our mind and national music is our property. But we listen it over the norm it influence our mind and efficiency

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