Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make Has this become a positive or negative development

There is no doubt that technology has altered people's lives in variant levels, mainly the way they communicat. It is clear that they adapted new approches to connect with each other thanks to technology services and products. forming new styles of connection has brought benficial treats to humans modren life. which in my opinion, outwage the negative side.

Technology has developed human interaction for the better. new medium chanles has created in smart and accessable way to attract people to join. With fun and easy to use platfourms, people started to grow useing these platfourms and evantully, even up the traditional ones like phone calls. Because of the technology such as social media platfoums. It is faitul now that almost everyone has an account to connect and sociales with his/her peers and even family. Moreover, job offers often requires at least one social media active platform of the employee. it becomes a nessecity in work enviroment as well. One can develop and maintain all kind of relationships these days thanks to tech. it bring people together. for example: a relative overseas can take a video call with his aunts, one can grant a job based on his/her profile on Facebook and so on.

Even though some would reluctant new tech connction approches. due to their special prefrences of the old fashioned ways such as mailing and audio calls. claiming that it is more genuine and authentic. The most majority of those are old generations. They find it difficult to operate and use .which make it gradually hard to connect with loved ones. But, this is not comprehend the positive outcome of the new way of communication of the technology, specially for younger generations.

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