Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish Why do you think this is happening What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced

It is undeniable that people are generating more waste these days. There are reasons that lie beneath the issue and this essay aims to discuss them, and also give some suggestions that governments and individuals could do to resolve it.

It is a fact that the amount of garbage that people produce these days has increased significantly compared to the past. The first reason is the preference for convenience brought about by waste disposal. They allow users to take them wherever they are and store more items. The habit of disposable plastic abuse of people is causing the quantity of waste. Moreover, poor public awareness leads to pollution of plastic waste. It is observed that, nowadays, many people throw rubbish away anywhere on the road, the coast, ditches, etc,.. making waste scattered and difficult to collect and handle.

There are some considerable solutions that government could do in order to resolve the issue. Firstly, the government can help reduce this burden on the environment is to raise public awareness. By organizing campaigns and educational programs on the drawbacks of waste disposal, the mass of waste can be greatly declined. Another way is to change customer habits. Instead of plastic bags, reusable bags should be encouraged to use. Moreover, governments can also enforce regulations such as imposing a strict restriction on both individuals and business in waste disposal.

In conclusion, that people are producing more garbage is due to mainly the usage of plastic bags and poor public awareness. Some of suggestions that government could do would be by setting clear regulations and raising awareness .

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