Professional workers like doctors nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities To what extent do you agree or disagree

Without any doubt,society is dividing into two different groups as er the distinct mindset of different people.Therefore,this has become a debate able issue whether professional workers ought be paid more than athletics and luminaries.The idea does seems modern. Although,this argument needs proper scrutinization before forming any rational opinion,

To embark on,physicians must get an attractive salary as they are take caring several health issue and have a major responsibility of patients life.Moreover,Surgeons offer an another life after doing lots of struggle and hard work.They sacrifice their whole lives and happiness just to take care of others.Furthermore, Teachers help individual to learn about the moral values and social patterns to live in the society.They teach us about the good or bad things in our initial stage and encourage us to become a good citizen for the nation.On the top of it,government ought to impose some policies to enhance the income of such occupations as these policies encourage people to follow these profession which would leads a stunning impact for the nation.

In contrast, other people hold the nation, Players and actors are the identity of the nation.They represent the country respect and help to get the fame for the nation.In addition,celebrities are getting high wages, because of their talents and creative skills which they perform in front of the society and influencing millions of people in all over the world.Consequently,players have some benefits which are highly beneficial as they perform on the behalf of country with the pressure of winning the game.on a particular note, they aid to generate the revenue to take stand in front of other countries

After contemplating the subjected matter, I can conclude my vision that both have their own values,debating on the ability of someone skills and salaries, can be create an atmosphere of discrimination among several occupation which lead a detrimental impact on the youth of society.

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