The range and quality of the food have been improved by advancement of science and technology Discuss advatages and disadvantages about this and present your view

The technology industry is so expanding in the most whole country in the world nowadays. Many industries are changing to the technology industry to have more chances for development. So, technology is a tool not strange to humans life nowadays, it is so useful for work, study, and other activities, technology applications especially household ones, have become an irreplaceable part that we can’t live without. Besides, the advantages so helpful of technology for human life, it even has a few disadvantages with us. This essay will discuss this topic so detail.

We will discuss the advantages of technology first, technology is so helpful in most industries, especially the science industry, and mass-produced. Technology will help us research and analysis data or performance complex calculators and remember is so detailed at a fast speed and correct. Technology is also profitable in mass-produced industries, it is capable of non-stop productive activity, making the product size standards and counting the number of products most correct and fastest. Not only that, but it also develops with the education industry, services, and demands of humans. The knowledge we can find on the internet has been selected and most correct, we just need to give a question that we want to wonder insert the search engine and access a random website, and we will get the answer correctly and fastest that we need. It helps humans improve their knowledge about the latest news situations and trends in the world now, and thanks to that we did not become to ancient man. With the services and demands of humans, it also helps us do the housework, such as laundry, house cleaning, and even cooking. We should not do anything with the support of modern machines. That helps us increase the stress and the burden of the housework. To put it in another way, the advent of technology devices became to be seen as an indispensable part of our modern life nowadays and it is the greatest tool ever created by humans.

Besides the advantages, it also has a few drawbacks for humans. Firstly, the advance of technology will turn humans become dependent people and depend on technology, it’s easy to get overly dependent on the internet since we can basically find anything there. The help with household robots will become a double-edged sword if you become lazy people and gradually depend on them too much. Your dependency will create laziness and can not do anything without support tools. The technology devices, such as computers, smartphones, and mobile phones, overuse technology can dull our mental sharpness, making us reluctant to communicate with others and worst becomes addicted to people. That will create so much social crime, such as robbery, killing, stealing, and suffer of psychosomatic diseases. About, the labor industry, technology is gradually becoming a substitution for humans, there is a fear that robots will someday take away jobs from unskilled labor. Because of the useful and productive, energy-free working level of the robot human do not able. The labor people are gradually losing jobs and have no choice, so become unemployed.

In conclusion, technology is the greatest tool, improves knowledge, and increases the burden of humans, but it is a double-edged sword for us. If you know how to use it in a reasonable and smart way, it will help you so much easier in your life.

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