Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries Do you think the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experien

A common feature that can be found in any schools around the world would be examination. We have to take a lot of tests when we are a student. In my opinion, testing has much more educational benefits than disadvantages.
One of the biggest advantages of testing is that exams make students to study what they have learned in their classes. This means that students will have to go back and review what they have been taught in school. Therefore, this process makes the learning more effective. For example, when I am told to have a test tommorow, I will definitely study what I learned at home to pass the test, but if there was no test, I would not have much motivation to study more at home. In addition, exams are beneficial because tests teach us to communicate by writing down the answers on the paper. It is crucial to not only know lots of things, but also to be able to express the knowledge in a way that the teacher can understand. Moreover, tests are a great tool to learn time management. Due to the time limits of the test, test takers must organise their time to be able to ace the test. Under a great pressure, students will be able to grow their time management skills, which can be useful in real life.
However, there exists some drawbacks of testing system. One of them would be the amount of stress coming from the tests. If students feel too much stress, they might lose their interest in studying and feel the school as an unpleasant place to be. Also, testing may be too focused on grading students, not educating them, which could lead to wasting unneccesary time and energy.
Despite some disadvantages that testing system has, its benefits still outweighs the drawbacks. Testing system has been continued since very before, and it is still the most prominent education system in the world. Testing makes the education much more effective, and brings much benefits to the students.

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