Without capital punishment the death penalty our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society To what extent do you agree or disagree

It is a debatable issue that the death penalty should be applied to capital punishment as the solution to reduce the number of increased crimes and control social harassment. In my view, I really agree that this regulation would be the best solution to some major crimes.

To begin with, it is true that the death penalty would be in contrast with a basic human right. There is no one who can judge and punish other people’s life because a human has a necessary thing to live in independence. Moreover, the way that people create a regulation to give a legal option for the death penalty means that these people also restrict the basic human right that is categorized as a major crime. That is why there is still much consideration to contra with this punishment.

On the other hand, there are various considerations to apply the death penalty as the best solution to assure security among others. Firstly, some major crimes could not only bring other civilians in danger but also affects others to commit crimes. For Instance, In Middle-East, there are a lot of major crimes, acted by the illegal organization to create terrorism activities that treat other human life by destroying public facilities and killing people, this idealism of terrorism could be grown among other civilians in these areas, so that death penalty could be the best solution to protect people from violence, and also deter the terrorists commit to major crime. In addition, the death penalty also had been applied to some illegal transactions of a drug in Asia. If there is no judgment of the death penalty from the official government, the spreading of these illegal transactions would be uncontrolled.

In conclusion, even though the death penalty is not worked with basic human rights, there are a lot of benefits by taking this punishment to restrict major crimes for security and widespread of this problem.

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