The chart below shows the amount of leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below

The bargraph shows leisure time enjoyed by men and women of different employment status, 1998-99. X axis shows the different employment status of men and women. Y axis shows hours of leisure time. Unemployed and retired men and women were enjoyed leisure time mostly.

According to the graph, women's who are housewives and part time employee they spent 55 hours and 40 hours in a week for enjoying leisure time. Unemployed and retired men's enjoyed enjoyed 80 hours per week while women's enjoyed 70 hours leisure time in a typical week which is the highest hours of men and women. Employee who were working full time, they have 45 hours leisure time by males while females have 38 hours of week. Mostly females have leisure time in a typical week for enjoying and spent time with family.

To sum up, mostly women's have highest leisure time than the men for enjoyment their life.

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