The chart below shows the changes that took place in three different areas of crime in new port city center from 2003 2012

The given line chart illustrates the changes in the rate of three types of crimes in the city center during different periods of time from 2003 to 2012. Overall, car theft and robbery had a fluctuation rate while the rate of burglary decreased dramatically during the period shown.
In 2003, about 3500 incidents of burglary while car theft had roughly 2900 cases. In the same year, the rate of robbery was lowest at 510 incidents. One year later, the rate of crime in burglary climbed sharply and reached a peak of 3700, while other crime rates increased slightly. In the next 4 years, burglary fell down dramatically and hit a low of 1100 incidents in 2008.
From 2006 to 2010, the rate of burglary fell significantly, while car theft increased and became the highest crime rates for the rest of the period. Car theft hit a peak of 2510 in 2010 and decreased slightly the last two years. The level of robbery stayed relatively stable at around 520 incidents and 900 incidents over the whole 9 – year period.

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