The chart below shows the expenditure of two countries on consumer goods in 2010

The bar chart exhibits the amount of money spent in two countries, France and the UK, on consumer goods in 2010.

Firstly, in France, people tended to spend most money on buying cars, and paid least to buy cameras, about 150,000 pounds. For stuffs like computer, books and perfume, the money spent was respectively 370,000 pounds, 300,000 pounds and 200,000 pounds.

Then, moving on to the second country, the UK, money used for buying cars was still the best, just the same as France, while perfume was paid least. Residents here bought many more books and cameras than people in France, that was 400,000 pounds in books and 350,000 pounds in cameras

Overall, the chart shows the figures clearly to represent people's interest.

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