The chart below shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011

The bar charts displays comparison of rooms rented and owned in England and Wales between the period from 1918 to 2011 measured in percentage.
Overall, it is clear that the households owned showed a contrast pattern than the accommodation given on rent. In 1918 the families staying in rented rooms was higher than families that owned the place whereas in 2011 the houses who had their own house where higher in numbers.
Initially, it is observed that in the year 1918, the number of house owners accounted for 20 % of households, the range went on increasing until 2001, while in 2011 there was a slight reduction in the percentage of household owners which comprised of of 62 % respectively.
With respect to families who rented rooms, the number consisted of 75 % which went on declining up to 31 % and increased a bit in the year 2011 which was approximately 36 %. The trend was opposite for both the households.

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