The chart below shows the percentage of water used by different sectors in Sydney Australia in 1997 and 2007 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of total water usage in five different sections including household works, manufacturing, food, service, and building industries in Sydney in 1997 and 2007. Units are measured in percentage.

Overall, in both years a significant amount of water was used for the food industries which is about half the percentage of total water while, the building industry consumes the least amount of water in Sydney, Australia. However, the service industry increased the consumption of water considerably to 25% in 2007 compared to 1997 with 13%.

Water used by the food industry was 48% in 1997 which declined to 41% by 2007. Likewise, in 2007 manufacturing and building industries also has some reduction in their water usage with 15% to 11% and 5% to 2% respectively.

Household use on the other hand, comprise of two per cent increase on their total water consumption from 19% to 21% by 2007.

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