The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Britain in the year 1999

The pie chart represents information about the changes in percentages of four tourist places in England in the year 1999.

Overall , it can be seen that the theme park was most visited by the people in Britain . The wildlife park and zoos was least visited place by the Britain people.

To begin with , the theme park was significant visited place by the England people at around 38%. Moreover , the wildlife parks and zoos was lowest visited place by the local people at about 9%.further, in theme park was most prefer to the black pool pleasure beach by the Britain people at around 47%. In theme park , chessington world of advenrtures and legoland , windser were similar visited place by the local individual at around 10% . secondly , the museums and galaries was considerable visit place by the residential people at around 37%

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