The chart shows the percentage of households in owned and rented accommodation in England and Wales between 1918 and 2011

The bar chart compares the proportion of people living in their own house and rented accommodation in England and Wales from 1918 until 2011.
Overall, it is seen an increasing trend for buying houses, whereas there is a decline in the percentage of tenants over the period.
At the first glance at the chart, the percentages of renters were initially more than three times as big as the homeowners. In 1939, the share of owners reached 30 percentages, and next, it remained stable for fourteen years. Afterward, the increasing trend continued again for owners, which means they hit a bit more than 40% in 1961, and at last, they reached the same level of renters. After that, renter's percentages dropped dramatically to 40% in 1981; then reached a bit above 30% in 1991. In 2001, the tenants' proportion was at the lowest point, and finally, it experienced a significant increase to 35%.

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