The diagram illustrates how bees produce honey Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

Given is the diagram depicting the honey- making process by bees. Perceptibly, this is the linear process with multiple steps, which commence with the bees building the hive and end when honey is being produced.
The process initiates when bees begin to choose the safe place and then begin to make a nest of small hexagons to come together. After that, they leave the hive in search of flowers, when they find the flowers somehow the bees collect the pollen and return to the hive, nearby they placed the pollen into the hexagonal cells on the hive. It, thereafter, the pollen is continuously flapped by bees to create an air current that dries the honey on the surface. The bees then wait for the water to evaporate and create a plastic substance called honey. It is finally harvested and bottled.

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