IELTS 10 Test 3 Writing task 1 The charts below show what UK graduate and postgraduate students who did not go into full time work did after leaving college in 2008 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparison

The given bar chart compares the gender distribution of students doing scientific research at a university in the UK in 2009.
Overallm the number of men participated in these science-related were higher than women. It is noticeable that Physics was the subject that had the most difference in number between these two genders.
in 2009, around 230 men and 180 women took part in Biology, this is also the subject that attracted the most male and female students. While, these figures for Medicine were slightly lower, with the numbers of men and women were 200 and 180 people respectively.
Turning to the remaining categories, it was Physics, Astronomy and Geology that had the number of male students considerably outweigh the female students, it was 170 people in Physics, 90 people in Astronomy and 70 people in Geology. By contrast, there were 115 women interested in Veterinary medicine, but just only 80 men.

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