The table below shows a survey on the preference of different age groups in a European country on different TV programmes in 2012 Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

Given is the table delineating the rate of people at different age group who watch diferrent kinds of TV programes in a European country in 2012.
Remarkably, feature films and sports were the two most popular TV programmes in that country with the same percentage in every age bracket. Meanwhile, less people wers attractive by TV dramas, especially children aged 11-15.
It is undeniable that feature films and sports share the same percentage by viewer’s age with a fairly uniform figure of approximately 20%. Besides, there was a trend that most childrens aged 11-15 was not into watching News and TV dramas. However, that was not true for Cartoon which was the TV programme they like best with 29% compared to the Soap Opera with 17%.
When it comes to people aged 15-20,

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